Friday, 21 December 2012

Sprinkle HD Looks To Drench Lesser Puzzle Games With Its Awesome Water Physics

 Sprinkle HD 

Some of my favorite mobile games for the mobile platform are of the puzzle genre, because it tends to lend itself well to the array of controls that are provided. A new THD game that just landed in the Market today, however, combines simple controls and some quirky physics to give you a unique puzzling experience.
In Sprinkle, you are put in charge of a small village's fire department, who are in turn in charge of extinguishing fires that are caused by falling meteorites.

Screen Shots:

sp3 sp1 sp4
Since the citizens of this village live in thatched-room huts (despite having the technology for a high-powered hose), you can imaging that fire is pretty bad for them.
So, when put in control of the water cannon's height and angle, you must put out fires and solve puzzles all by using the pressure of your hose. There are also certain environmental objects (like windmills, cogs and small crevasses) that will either help or hinder you on your quest; this adds variety to the levels, and gives you some innovative challenges to play around with.

The Verdict

For a THD title, Sprinkle has made the wise move of putting functionality and puzzling experience before the presentation of the game. While the water effects are the game's selling feature, they aren't obnoxious, and work extremely well. Given the game's $1.99 price tag, this is definitely a must-have for anyone with a Tegra-powered device.
It's worth noting, also, that the developers are already actively working on a version for Project Kal-El, NVIDIA's quad-core Tegra 3 processor. We've seen what a huge difference two more cores can make when NVIDIA demoed Glow Balland a game like Sprinkle can only benefit from the addition of more processing power.

Download : Sprinkle[apk]


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